Sunday, January 24, 2010

Winter's Reign - A Prose Poem

cascades Image licensed under Creative Commons by baxterclaus

Winter's Reign, A Winter Rain
In January
Walking outside
In the winter rain.
Its raining here
In January
Where its usually
24 - 15
Trees still spring
From the earth
Waiting for spring
To releaf.
Cold and brown now
Not the conifers
In the winter rain
A miracle witnessed.
Trees still spring
From the earth
Even in the winter rain.
Where just a week ago
Tiny brown birds,
Gamboled and gyred and frolicked
On the wing
Like children at play
In the cold winter sun.
Springing from my
Favorite Queen Tree
From her lips I hear
"Out of winter, springeth green".
Numbed by her word,
Not the cold
I walked along
Dazed and alone
In my hand-me-sideways
Nautica green jacket
And my yellow rain poncho
I stepped and slipped
On icy floes
Thinking its a miracle
And water flows
And freezes
Under my feet.
From out of winter,
Cometh spring.

( link:


Image licensed under Creative Commons by a shadow of my future self

Hand-Me-Sideways: Like hand-me-downs, but only in a lateral transition. We recently heard of someone cleaning out their closets, similar to our age, so now we have some hand-me-sideways clothing. Don't put that in the trash - somebody needs it...

The House Always Wins

Image licensed under Creative Commons by Roadsidepictures

You may be winning at the table now, but remember - the house always wins in the long run.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Universal Vision

M101 image licensed under Creative Commons by Jared Smith

If you are a theist, when viewing the universe - you see a construct. If you are an atheist (or an agnostic) - a mystery.

Not the other way around...