Friday, October 9, 2009

Instant Peace Prize or 10-Day Peace Price

Instant Peace Prize / 10-Day Prize: The slightly unfortunate portmanteau of Instant coffee and Nobel Peace Prize. With reference to President Obama's unprecedented winning of the prize even though only in-office (officially...) for ten days prior to the deadline for nomination. As we have publicly stated, would Mr. Obama be seen as 'courageous' (and generous) if he offered to share the prize with other champions of peace? Do these events in the timeline diminish the prestige of the prize?

FOM: Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, The Audacity of the Nobel Committee, Nobel Peace Prize Shocks Bloggers: "This is Insane" , CBSNews Nobel Committee says President Obama given Nobel Peace Prize to reward and "enhance" his diplomatic efforts: and georgek1029 @markknoller "It's an unprecedented honor for a new U.S. president less than 9 months in the job".

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